Tax Resolution Process: Our Process to Tax Debt Relief

Tax Resolution Process

What does the tax resolution process look like? What’s involved in tax debt relief? And, how long does it take?

In terms of how long it takes, our answer to this is: it depends.

And why that is so can be fleshed-out by understanding the process and consideration that goes into the tax debt relief process. In this post, we lay out the process involved in tax resolution into 3 main phases: determination, emendation, and resolution.

In case you are looking for Tax resolution services, click here to book a free consultation!

The Steps to the Tax Resolution process

The Steps to the Tax Resolution process

Step 1: Determination

The determination phase of the process is our first contact with clients, and it involves a lot of research on our part. We ask that you understand that it is arguably the most important part, just as the diagnosis is important for the work a doctor must do. Why treat you for something you don’t have? Well, with tax debt. Put concisely, this part of the tax resolution cycle involves:

  • Determining the sum of tax actions against you (i.e. tax liens and wage garnishments)
  • Determining the validity of the tax debt are being held accountable to
  • Determine the best tax resolution process for your particular situation
  • Determine what’s tax, penalties, and interest
  • Determine action items in preventing further tax debt.

Step 2: Emendation

This is part of the process in which we take the action that is informed by the research in the determination stage.

We may do one or more of the following:

  • File tax abatement brief
  • File missing tax returns and amendments
  • Fill out the Collection Information Statement (Form 433-F)

Step 3: Tax Resolution process

This is the last part of the tax resolution cycle in which we set you down a specific trackway. These include:

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